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This convenient solution enables property managers to centrally control multiple Samsung Hospitality TVs and display customized content, to provide guests with an in-room experience that makes them feel right at Learn how to install LYNK REACH and centrally manage multiple Samsung Hospitality TVs. Samsung LYNK™ HMS Compatibility N/A N/A N/A H.Browser N/A N/A N/A Samsung LYNK™ REACH (IP) N/A N/A N/A Home LYNK™ LYNK™ Security Bluetooth Screen Screen Size Resolution REACH remote Plug and Smart View Menu HMS DRM Mode Music Player Mirroring 4.0 control Play. Samsung's LYNK REACH 4.0 solution transforms hospitality displays into two-way, centrally controlled communication hubs that drive more efficient and personalized communication. Combining LYNK REACH 3.1 and Samsung SINC 3.0, LYNK REACH 4.0 accommodates any new or existing Samsung's LYNK REACH 4.0 platform ensures that guests receive personalized attention and convenient access to on-site amenities and services throughout Combining LYNK REACH 3.1 and Samsung SINC 3.0, LYNK REACH 4.0 accommodates any new or existing hospitality communication View and Download Samsung 470 installation manual online. you deliver TV firmware updates, cloning data, channel mapping changes, S-LYNK REACH contents, and TICKER. contents through RF DTV to several hundred hospitality TVs simultaneously. Samsung LYNK™ REACH is a specialized solution for hotels that need an efficient hospitality content service. It's simple user interface and editing tool enables you to display hotel Through LYNK REACH Server, and using LYNK REACH 3.0 software, hotel managers and IT administrators can Samsung LYNK REACH 4.0. An Integrated Content Platform for Seamless Remote Hospitality Display Management. Samsung's LYNK Remote Enhanced Active Control for Hospitality (REACH) 4.0 display management solution enables hoteliers to provide this personalized environment while

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